Friday, October 29, 2010

Collage Pop Art Animals

I really wish I could rotate pictures after I have uploaded them.  Sorry.

1. Find an animal pic- print as a 5x7 grayscale.
2. Use grid enlargement to double the size to 10x14
3. Paint the background with a BRIGHT color.
4. Divide animal into sections, leave lower half of animal ( or another part) undone- outline with sharpie.
5. Use paint to create value in a few sections with one color per section (monochromatic).
6. Add texture to a few sections with sharpie.
7. Tear different textures and colors out of magazines and glue down. I also had silver paper they used.

This project took about 3-4 45minute classes.

Some turned out not so hot. It is important to emphasize how they divide the sections to follow the shape of the animal, and to use small torn strips of paper rather than chunks.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

American Gothic Parodies

My students loooved this project. I talked a little bit about American Gothic, most students recognized the painting, and then asked each student to pick out a "famous couple." I encouraged cartoons, but they were not limited. I had a list to help them get started, but no one was allowed to do the same thing as someone else. The students were thinking up couples I had totally forgotten about! They then had to decide how to position their character, and what details to include. They penciled in a sketch ( NO TRACING) and the background ( as close to Grant Wood's original as possible). Then paint! I loved this project because it was fairly simple directions.