Thursday, October 28, 2010

American Gothic Parodies

My students loooved this project. I talked a little bit about American Gothic, most students recognized the painting, and then asked each student to pick out a "famous couple." I encouraged cartoons, but they were not limited. I had a list to help them get started, but no one was allowed to do the same thing as someone else. The students were thinking up couples I had totally forgotten about! They then had to decide how to position their character, and what details to include. They penciled in a sketch ( NO TRACING) and the background ( as close to Grant Wood's original as possible). Then paint! I loved this project because it was fairly simple directions.


  1. I bet the kids had a blast with this one! Thanks for all the images!

  2. What grade kids did these? They are hilarious and so creative. Love the concept.

  3. These turned out so well! I had fun looking at all the different ideas. Just curious, about what grade did this assignment???

  4. 8th and 9th graders:-) Thank you, it has been one of my faves this year!
